In her recent blog post, "What CEOs Want from CIOs Now," on, Kim Nash points out that new product innovation is already part of many CIOs' jobs. Now, CEOs are also looking for their CIOs to contribute to business model innovation, and identify "entirely new ways of operating." We at Heller Search are witnessing this trend first hand.
Let me start with the good news: it would appear that more and more CEOs accept that CIOs can help drive the future of the business. The bad news is that not everyone else in the organization is apparently ready for the CIO to play this role. CIO magazine's 2012 State of the CIO report reveals that only 7% of those on the business side see the CIO as a game changer. 48% still view IT as a cost center or a service provider.
For CEOs and CIOs teamed to revolutionize how their companies do business, how important is it that they first win the hearts and minds of the rest of the business? What do you think forward-thinking CIO and CEOs should do? If you are a CIO or CEO facing this challenge right now, using the Comments section below, please share with your fellow readers how you plan to address it.

Written by Martha Heller
Martha Heller is CEO of Heller Search Associates and author of Be the Business: CIOs in the New Era of IT, and The CIO Paradox: Battling the Contradictions of IT Leadership.