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The Quotable CIO: Wit and wisdom in the age of twitter, part deux

Martha Heller
By Martha Heller

Sep 26, 2012

View the first installment of CIO quotes from February 2012

"We are trying to get our legacy systems to dance like an elephant."twitter bird light bgs

"You need to figure out if you’re an above the line CIO or a below the line CIO."

"Retention begins before your new employee starts work."

"Cultural changes takes 6 months per layer in your IT organization."

"Getting sponsorship starts with having a track record of credibility."

"You do not want your IT people to be your change agents. You need the business for that. "

from a brand new CIO: "The business wants the nearest, newest brightest shiny object, and right now, I’m it!"

"I feel like I’ve come full circle right back to end user computing."

"If you wait for the CIO to be strategic before you elevate IT to the Officer level, you will wait forever."

"Never confuse effort with results."

"The first 90 days of my new CIO job were like speed dating."

"The IT org of the future will resemble an Accenture consulting organization."

"If you cannot make the case for infrastructure and investments, you will get crushed between the Scylla and Charybdis of legacy and business demand."

"CIOs who struggle with establishing credibility at the executive table are CIOs who have not learned how to lead."

"Go-live day is the start, not the end, of an ERP implementation."

"IT initiatives are won or lost on the strength of the CIO’s relationship with his or her business peers."

"The average executive has an attention span of 4 PowerPoint slides."

"There are no technical solutions to management problems; there are management solutions to technical problems."

from a CFO: "Nobody ever built a monument to a committee"

"We are moving from order taker to order shaper"

"The more simplicity you build into your IT organization, the more complexity you can handle."

" The CIO is the only executive in the company who sees a business process from beginning to end."

"The CIO is one person who cares that everything works together."

"Mobility forces you to rethink your entire business model in a very short time."

"In 25 years we've never seen anything as game changing as mobility."

"Trying to fight BYOD is a losing battle."

"As CIOs, we are agents of alignment."

"You can’t budget-cut your way to greatness."

"I can’t imagine a time when it was more challenging to be a CIO, than today."

"We are no longer the “IT tax”; we drive revenue."

If you have any bon mots of your own, please include them in the comments section below. I’d love to continue growing our collection.

Martha Heller

Written by Martha Heller

Martha Heller is CEO of Heller Search Associates and author of Be the Business: CIOs in the New Era of IT, and The CIO Paradox: Battling the Contradictions of IT Leadership.