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In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p>\n</div>", "post_body" : "<span id=\"hs_cos_wrapper_post_body\" class=\"hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text\" style=\"\" data-hs-cos-general-type=\"meta_field\" data-hs-cos-type=\"rich_text\" ><div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\">\n<p><img id=\"img-1348675376468\" src=\"\" alt=\"KWright The Complete Executive Cover\" class=\"alignRight\" style=\"float: right;\" border=\"0\">Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p>Herewith, we present 10 of our favorite practices from Karen’s system for becoming a highly effective business executive.</p>\n<p><strong>31. Leadership Philosophy</strong></p>\n<p>I have a clear philosophy about leadership and I conduct myself according to that&nbsp; philosophy. I am an ongoing student of leadership and constantly seek examples and role models.</p>\n<p><strong>38. Synthesis</strong></p>\n<p>I can see patterns and systems in apparently disparate sets of information. I can connect the dots and lead the development of long-term, big-picture solutions.</p>\n<p><strong>41. Vision</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team has a clear vision for the longterm impact we are striving to make, and every employee knows and understands the vision.</p>\n<p><strong>46. Talent Review and Succession Plan</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team has annual talent reviews and has successors identified—and prepared—for all key positions, including my own. We value, and seek, diversity across our entire workforce.</p>\n<p><strong>47. Measures of Success</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team knows, and measures, the factors beyond the financial goals that will ensure we stay on track toward our objectives.</p>\n<p><strong>51. Career Plan</strong></p>\n<p>I am clear about what I need to accomplish in order to feel that I have been successful in my career, and I have short-and medium-term goals that are part of that plan. I have set approximate timing milestones for each goal.</p>\n<p><strong>53. Passion for the Business</strong></p>\n<p>I believe in my organization’s mission and vision and I am passionate about the business we’re in. I am my company’s best salesperson.</p>\n<p><strong>56. Recruiter Connections</strong></p>\n<p>I know who the major recruiters are in my area, by both functional and sector specialty, and I have connections to all of them.</p>\n<p><strong>67. Requests for Information or Resources</strong></p>\n<p>I reach out into my network if I need information or a connection.</p>\n<p><strong>98. Goal Setting</strong></p>\n<p>I set goals regularly and have a practice for setting those goals up for success. I have a central repository for my goals and measures, and I have a practice that ensures the information stays current.</p>\n</div></span>", "rss_summary" : "<div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\">\n<p><img id=\"img-1348675376468\" src=\"\" alt=\"KWright The Complete Executive Cover\" class=\"alignRight\" style=\"float: right;\" border=\"0\">Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p>\n</div>", "rss_body" : "<div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\">\n<p><img id=\"img-1348675376468\" src=\"\" alt=\"KWright The Complete Executive Cover\" class=\"alignRight\" style=\"float: right;\" border=\"0\">Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p>Herewith, we present 10 of our favorite practices from Karen’s system for becoming a highly effective business executive.</p>\n<p><strong>31. Leadership Philosophy</strong></p>\n<p>I have a clear philosophy about leadership and I conduct myself according to that&nbsp; philosophy. I am an ongoing student of leadership and constantly seek examples and role models.</p>\n<p><strong>38. Synthesis</strong></p>\n<p>I can see patterns and systems in apparently disparate sets of information. I can connect the dots and lead the development of long-term, big-picture solutions.</p>\n<p><strong>41. Vision</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team has a clear vision for the longterm impact we are striving to make, and every employee knows and understands the vision.</p>\n<p><strong>46. Talent Review and Succession Plan</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team has annual talent reviews and has successors identified—and prepared—for all key positions, including my own. We value, and seek, diversity across our entire workforce.</p>\n<p><strong>47. Measures of Success</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team knows, and measures, the factors beyond the financial goals that will ensure we stay on track toward our objectives.</p>\n<p><strong>51. Career Plan</strong></p>\n<p>I am clear about what I need to accomplish in order to feel that I have been successful in my career, and I have short-and medium-term goals that are part of that plan. I have set approximate timing milestones for each goal.</p>\n<p><strong>53. Passion for the Business</strong></p>\n<p>I believe in my organization’s mission and vision and I am passionate about the business we’re in. I am my company’s best salesperson.</p>\n<p><strong>56. Recruiter Connections</strong></p>\n<p>I know who the major recruiters are in my area, by both functional and sector specialty, and I have connections to all of them.</p>\n<p><strong>67. Requests for Information or Resources</strong></p>\n<p>I reach out into my network if I need information or a connection.</p>\n<p><strong>98. Goal Setting</strong></p>\n<p>I set goals regularly and have a practice for setting those goals up for success. I have a central repository for my goals and measures, and I have a practice that ensures the information stays current.</p>\n</div>", "tag_ids" : [ 774156954, 774157019, 781144122, 1582376630 ], "topic_ids" : [ 774156954, 774157019, 781144122, 1582376630 ], "blog_post_schedule_task_uid" : null, "blog_publish_to_social_media_task" : "DONE", "blog_publish_instant_email_task_uid" : "DONE", "blog_publish_instant_email_campaign_id" : null, "blog_publish_instant_email_retry_count" : 0, "keywords" : [ ], "head_html" : "", "footer_html" : "", "attached_stylesheets" : [ ], "enable_domain_stylesheets" : null, "include_default_custom_css" : null, "meta_description" : "Our 10 favorite practices for being a complete executive, from the book The Complete Executive, by Karen Wright.", "meta_keywords" : "career advancement, Career Advice, CIO, Hiring/Recruiting, technology leadership", "layout_sections" : { }, "past_mab_experiment_ids" : [ ], "deleted_by" : null, "featured_image_alt_text" : "", 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In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p>Herewith, we present 10 of our favorite practices from Karen’s system for becoming a highly effective business executive.</p>\n<p><strong>31. Leadership Philosophy</strong></p>\n<p>I have a clear philosophy about leadership and I conduct myself according to that&nbsp; philosophy. I am an ongoing student of leadership and constantly seek examples and role models.</p>\n<p><strong>38. Synthesis</strong></p>\n<p>I can see patterns and systems in apparently disparate sets of information. I can connect the dots and lead the development of long-term, big-picture solutions.</p>\n<p><strong>41. Vision</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team has a clear vision for the longterm impact we are striving to make, and every employee knows and understands the vision.</p>\n<p><strong>46. Talent Review and Succession Plan</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team has annual talent reviews and has successors identified—and prepared—for all key positions, including my own. We value, and seek, diversity across our entire workforce.</p>\n<p><strong>47. Measures of Success</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team knows, and measures, the factors beyond the financial goals that will ensure we stay on track toward our objectives.</p>\n<p><strong>51. Career Plan</strong></p>\n<p>I am clear about what I need to accomplish in order to feel that I have been successful in my career, and I have short-and medium-term goals that are part of that plan. I have set approximate timing milestones for each goal.</p>\n<p><strong>53. Passion for the Business</strong></p>\n<p>I believe in my organization’s mission and vision and I am passionate about the business we’re in. I am my company’s best salesperson.</p>\n<p><strong>56. Recruiter Connections</strong></p>\n<p>I know who the major recruiters are in my area, by both functional and sector specialty, and I have connections to all of them.</p>\n<p><strong>67. Requests for Information or Resources</strong></p>\n<p>I reach out into my network if I need information or a connection.</p>\n<p><strong>98. Goal Setting</strong></p>\n<p>I set goals regularly and have a practice for setting those goals up for success. I have a central repository for my goals and measures, and I have a practice that ensures the information stays current.</p>\n</div></span>", "postBodyRss" : "<div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\">\n<p><img id=\"img-1348675376468\" src=\"\" alt=\"KWright The Complete Executive Cover\" class=\"alignRight\" style=\"float: right;\" border=\"0\">Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p>Herewith, we present 10 of our favorite practices from Karen’s system for becoming a highly effective business executive.</p>\n<p><strong>31. Leadership Philosophy</strong></p>\n<p>I have a clear philosophy about leadership and I conduct myself according to that&nbsp; philosophy. I am an ongoing student of leadership and constantly seek examples and role models.</p>\n<p><strong>38. Synthesis</strong></p>\n<p>I can see patterns and systems in apparently disparate sets of information. I can connect the dots and lead the development of long-term, big-picture solutions.</p>\n<p><strong>41. Vision</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team has a clear vision for the longterm impact we are striving to make, and every employee knows and understands the vision.</p>\n<p><strong>46. Talent Review and Succession Plan</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team has annual talent reviews and has successors identified—and prepared—for all key positions, including my own. We value, and seek, diversity across our entire workforce.</p>\n<p><strong>47. Measures of Success</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team knows, and measures, the factors beyond the financial goals that will ensure we stay on track toward our objectives.</p>\n<p><strong>51. Career Plan</strong></p>\n<p>I am clear about what I need to accomplish in order to feel that I have been successful in my career, and I have short-and medium-term goals that are part of that plan. I have set approximate timing milestones for each goal.</p>\n<p><strong>53. Passion for the Business</strong></p>\n<p>I believe in my organization’s mission and vision and I am passionate about the business we’re in. I am my company’s best salesperson.</p>\n<p><strong>56. Recruiter Connections</strong></p>\n<p>I know who the major recruiters are in my area, by both functional and sector specialty, and I have connections to all of them.</p>\n<p><strong>67. Requests for Information or Resources</strong></p>\n<p>I reach out into my network if I need information or a connection.</p>\n<p><strong>98. Goal Setting</strong></p>\n<p>I set goals regularly and have a practice for setting those goals up for success. I have a central repository for my goals and measures, and I have a practice that ensures the information stays current.</p>\n</div>", "postEmailContent" : "<div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\"> \n <p>Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p> \n</div>", "postFeaturedImageIfEnabled" : "", "postListContent" : "<div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\"> \n <p>Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p> \n</div>", "postListSummaryFeaturedImage" : "", "postRssContent" : "<div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\"> \n <p>Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p> \n</div>", "postRssSummaryFeaturedImage" : "", "postSummary" : "<div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\">\n<p><img id=\"img-1348675376468\" src=\"\" alt=\"KWright The Complete Executive Cover\" class=\"alignRight\" style=\"float: right;\" border=\"0\">Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p>\n</div>", "postSummaryRss" : "<div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\"> \n <p>Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p> \n</div>", "postTemplate" : "Heller-Website-development/templates/blog-post.html", "previewImageSrc" : null, "previewKey" : "7sK85BYP", "previousPostFeaturedImage" : "", "previousPostFeaturedImageAltText" : "", "previousPostName" : "Who Are Your Change Agents?: The CIO Interview with Sonny Garg, Exelon", "previousPostSlug" : "blog/bid/158124/who-are-your-change-agents-the-cio-interview-with-sonny-garg-exelon", "processingStatus" : "PUBLISHED", "propertyForDynamicPageCanonicalUrl" : null, "propertyForDynamicPageFeaturedImage" : null, "propertyForDynamicPageMetaDescription" : null, "propertyForDynamicPageSlug" : null, "propertyForDynamicPageTitle" : null, "publicAccessRules" : [ ], "publicAccessRulesEnabled" : false, "publishDate" : 1348684620000, "publishDateLocalTime" : 1348684620000, "publishDateLocalized" : { "date" : 1348684620000, "format" : "MMM d, yyyy", "language" : "en_US" }, "publishImmediately" : null, "publishTimezoneOffset" : null, "publishedAt" : 1643743577758, "publishedByEmail" : null, "publishedById" : 251978, "publishedByName" : null, "publishedUrl" : "", "resolvedDomain" : "", "resolvedLanguage" : null, "rssBody" : "<div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\">\n<p><img id=\"img-1348675376468\" src=\"\" alt=\"KWright The Complete Executive Cover\" class=\"alignRight\" style=\"float: right;\" border=\"0\">Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p>Herewith, we present 10 of our favorite practices from Karen’s system for becoming a highly effective business executive.</p>\n<p><strong>31. Leadership Philosophy</strong></p>\n<p>I have a clear philosophy about leadership and I conduct myself according to that&nbsp; philosophy. I am an ongoing student of leadership and constantly seek examples and role models.</p>\n<p><strong>38. Synthesis</strong></p>\n<p>I can see patterns and systems in apparently disparate sets of information. I can connect the dots and lead the development of long-term, big-picture solutions.</p>\n<p><strong>41. Vision</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team has a clear vision for the longterm impact we are striving to make, and every employee knows and understands the vision.</p>\n<p><strong>46. Talent Review and Succession Plan</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team has annual talent reviews and has successors identified—and prepared—for all key positions, including my own. We value, and seek, diversity across our entire workforce.</p>\n<p><strong>47. Measures of Success</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team knows, and measures, the factors beyond the financial goals that will ensure we stay on track toward our objectives.</p>\n<p><strong>51. Career Plan</strong></p>\n<p>I am clear about what I need to accomplish in order to feel that I have been successful in my career, and I have short-and medium-term goals that are part of that plan. I have set approximate timing milestones for each goal.</p>\n<p><strong>53. Passion for the Business</strong></p>\n<p>I believe in my organization’s mission and vision and I am passionate about the business we’re in. I am my company’s best salesperson.</p>\n<p><strong>56. Recruiter Connections</strong></p>\n<p>I know who the major recruiters are in my area, by both functional and sector specialty, and I have connections to all of them.</p>\n<p><strong>67. Requests for Information or Resources</strong></p>\n<p>I reach out into my network if I need information or a connection.</p>\n<p><strong>98. Goal Setting</strong></p>\n<p>I set goals regularly and have a practice for setting those goals up for success. I have a central repository for my goals and measures, and I have a practice that ensures the information stays current.</p>\n</div>", "rssSummary" : "<div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\">\n<p><img id=\"img-1348675376468\" src=\"\" alt=\"KWright The Complete Executive Cover\" class=\"alignRight\" style=\"float: right;\" border=\"0\">Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p>\n</div>", "rssSummaryFeaturedImage" : "", "scheduledUpdateDate" : 0, "screenshotPreviewTakenAt" : 1643743577863, "screenshotPreviewUrl" : "", "sections" : { }, "securityState" : "NONE", "siteId" : 0, "slug" : "blog/bid/158967/top-10-list-from-the-complete-executive-by-karen-wright", "stagedFrom" : null, "state" : "PUBLISHED", "stateWhenDeleted" : null, "structuredContentPageType" : null, "structuredContentType" : null, "styleOverrideId" : null, "subcategory" : "legacy_blog_post", "syncedWithBlogRoot" : true, "tagIds" : [ 774156954, 774157019, 781144122, 1582376630 ], "tagList" : [ { "categoryId" : 0, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1399925231000, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 774156954, "label" : "Hiring IT Leaders", "language" : null, "name" : "Hiring IT Leaders", "portalId" : 130916, "slug" : "hiring-it-leaders", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1731427885764 }, { "categoryId" : 0, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1399925236000, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 774157019, "label" : "Leadership Development", "language" : null, "name" : "Leadership Development", "portalId" : 130916, "slug" : "leadership-development", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1399925236001 }, { "categoryId" : 0, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1399925270000, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 781144122, "label" : "IT Jobs & Careers", "language" : null, "name" : "IT Jobs & Careers", "portalId" : 130916, "slug" : "it-jobs-careers", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1731427852517 }, { "categoryId" : 0, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1410120467000, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 1582376630, "label" : "CIO Role", "language" : null, "name" : "CIO Role", "portalId" : 130916, "slug" : "cio-role", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1410120467001 } ], "tagNames" : [ "Hiring IT Leaders", "Leadership Development", "IT Jobs & Careers", "CIO Role" ], "teamPerms" : [ ], "templatePath" : "", "templatePathForRender" : "Heller-Website-development/templates/blog-post.html", "textToAudioFileId" : null, "textToAudioGenerationRequestId" : null, "themePath" : null, "themeSettingsValues" : null, "title" : "Top 10 list from The Complete Executive, by Karen Wright", "tmsId" : null, "topicIds" : [ 774156954, 774157019, 781144122, 1582376630 ], "topicList" : [ { "categoryId" : 0, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1399925231000, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 774156954, "label" : "Hiring IT Leaders", "language" : null, "name" : "Hiring IT Leaders", "portalId" : 130916, "slug" : "hiring-it-leaders", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1731427885764 }, { "categoryId" : 0, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1399925236000, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 774157019, "label" : "Leadership Development", "language" : null, "name" : "Leadership Development", "portalId" : 130916, "slug" : "leadership-development", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1399925236001 }, { "categoryId" : 0, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1399925270000, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 781144122, "label" : "IT Jobs & Careers", "language" : null, "name" : "IT Jobs & Careers", "portalId" : 130916, "slug" : "it-jobs-careers", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1731427852517 }, { "categoryId" : 0, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1410120467000, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 1582376630, "label" : "CIO Role", "language" : null, "name" : "CIO Role", "portalId" : 130916, "slug" : "cio-role", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1410120467001 } ], "topicNames" : [ "Hiring IT Leaders", "Leadership Development", "IT Jobs & Careers", "CIO Role" ], "topics" : [ 774156954, 774157019, 781144122, 1582376630 ], "translatedContent" : { }, "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "tweet" : null, "tweetAt" : null, "tweetImmediately" : false, "unpublishedAt" : 0, "updated" : 1643743577762, "updatedById" : 251978, "upsizeFeaturedImage" : false, "url" : "", "useFeaturedImage" : true, "userPerms" : [ ], "views" : 0, "visibleToAll" : null, "widgetContainers" : { }, "widgetcontainers" : { }, "widgets" : { } })

Top 10 list from The Complete Executive, by Karen Wright

KWright The Complete Executive CoverKaren Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, The Complete Executive, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.

Herewith, we present 10 of our favorite practices from Karen’s system for becoming a highly effective business executive.

31. Leadership Philosophy

I have a clear philosophy about leadership and I conduct myself according to that  philosophy. I am an ongoing student of leadership and constantly seek examples and role models.

38. Synthesis

I can see patterns and systems in apparently disparate sets of information. I can connect the dots and lead the development of long-term, big-picture solutions.

41. Vision

My organization or team has a clear vision for the longterm impact we are striving to make, and every employee knows and understands the vision.

46. Talent Review and Succession Plan

My organization or team has annual talent reviews and has successors identified—and prepared—for all key positions, including my own. We value, and seek, diversity across our entire workforce.

47. Measures of Success

My organization or team knows, and measures, the factors beyond the financial goals that will ensure we stay on track toward our objectives.

51. Career Plan

I am clear about what I need to accomplish in order to feel that I have been successful in my career, and I have short-and medium-term goals that are part of that plan. I have set approximate timing milestones for each goal.

53. Passion for the Business

I believe in my organization’s mission and vision and I am passionate about the business we’re in. I am my company’s best salesperson.

56. Recruiter Connections

I know who the major recruiters are in my area, by both functional and sector specialty, and I have connections to all of them.

67. Requests for Information or Resources

I reach out into my network if I need information or a connection.

98. Goal Setting

I set goals regularly and have a practice for setting those goals up for success. I have a central repository for my goals and measures, and I have a practice that ensures the information stays current.