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"rss_body" : "<div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\">\n<p><img id=\"img-1348675376468\" src=\"\" alt=\"KWright The Complete Executive Cover\" class=\"alignRight\" style=\"float: right;\" border=\"0\">Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p>Herewith, we present 10 of our favorite practices from Karen’s system for becoming a highly effective business executive.</p>\n<p><strong>31. Leadership Philosophy</strong></p>\n<p>I have a clear philosophy about leadership and I conduct myself according to that philosophy. I am an ongoing student of leadership and constantly seek examples and role models.</p>\n<p><strong>38. Synthesis</strong></p>\n<p>I can see patterns and systems in apparently disparate sets of information. I can connect the dots and lead the development of long-term, big-picture solutions.</p>\n<p><strong>41. Vision</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team has a clear vision for the longterm impact we are striving to make, and every employee knows and understands the vision.</p>\n<p><strong>46. Talent Review and Succession Plan</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team has annual talent reviews and has successors identified—and prepared—for all key positions, including my own. We value, and seek, diversity across our entire workforce.</p>\n<p><strong>47. Measures of Success</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team knows, and measures, the factors beyond the financial goals that will ensure we stay on track toward our objectives.</p>\n<p><strong>51. Career Plan</strong></p>\n<p>I am clear about what I need to accomplish in order to feel that I have been successful in my career, and I have short-and medium-term goals that are part of that plan. I have set approximate timing milestones for each goal.</p>\n<p><strong>53. Passion for the Business</strong></p>\n<p>I believe in my organization’s mission and vision and I am passionate about the business we’re in. I am my company’s best salesperson.</p>\n<p><strong>56. Recruiter Connections</strong></p>\n<p>I know who the major recruiters are in my area, by both functional and sector specialty, and I have connections to all of them.</p>\n<p><strong>67. Requests for Information or Resources</strong></p>\n<p>I reach out into my network if I need information or a connection.</p>\n<p><strong>98. Goal Setting</strong></p>\n<p>I set goals regularly and have a practice for setting those goals up for success. I have a central repository for my goals and measures, and I have a practice that ensures the information stays current.</p>\n</div>",
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"postBody" : "<span id=\"hs_cos_wrapper_post_body\" class=\"hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text\" style=\"\" data-hs-cos-general-type=\"meta_field\" data-hs-cos-type=\"rich_text\" ><div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\">\n<p><img id=\"img-1348675376468\" src=\"\" alt=\"KWright The Complete Executive Cover\" class=\"alignRight\" style=\"float: right;\" border=\"0\">Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p>Herewith, we present 10 of our favorite practices from Karen’s system for becoming a highly effective business executive.</p>\n<p><strong>31. Leadership Philosophy</strong></p>\n<p>I have a clear philosophy about leadership and I conduct myself according to that philosophy. I am an ongoing student of leadership and constantly seek examples and role models.</p>\n<p><strong>38. Synthesis</strong></p>\n<p>I can see patterns and systems in apparently disparate sets of information. I can connect the dots and lead the development of long-term, big-picture solutions.</p>\n<p><strong>41. Vision</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team has a clear vision for the longterm impact we are striving to make, and every employee knows and understands the vision.</p>\n<p><strong>46. Talent Review and Succession Plan</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team has annual talent reviews and has successors identified—and prepared—for all key positions, including my own. We value, and seek, diversity across our entire workforce.</p>\n<p><strong>47. Measures of Success</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team knows, and measures, the factors beyond the financial goals that will ensure we stay on track toward our objectives.</p>\n<p><strong>51. Career Plan</strong></p>\n<p>I am clear about what I need to accomplish in order to feel that I have been successful in my career, and I have short-and medium-term goals that are part of that plan. I have set approximate timing milestones for each goal.</p>\n<p><strong>53. Passion for the Business</strong></p>\n<p>I believe in my organization’s mission and vision and I am passionate about the business we’re in. I am my company’s best salesperson.</p>\n<p><strong>56. Recruiter Connections</strong></p>\n<p>I know who the major recruiters are in my area, by both functional and sector specialty, and I have connections to all of them.</p>\n<p><strong>67. Requests for Information or Resources</strong></p>\n<p>I reach out into my network if I need information or a connection.</p>\n<p><strong>98. Goal Setting</strong></p>\n<p>I set goals regularly and have a practice for setting those goals up for success. I have a central repository for my goals and measures, and I have a practice that ensures the information stays current.</p>\n</div></span>",
"postBodyRss" : "<div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\">\n<p><img id=\"img-1348675376468\" src=\"\" alt=\"KWright The Complete Executive Cover\" class=\"alignRight\" style=\"float: right;\" border=\"0\">Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p>Herewith, we present 10 of our favorite practices from Karen’s system for becoming a highly effective business executive.</p>\n<p><strong>31. Leadership Philosophy</strong></p>\n<p>I have a clear philosophy about leadership and I conduct myself according to that philosophy. I am an ongoing student of leadership and constantly seek examples and role models.</p>\n<p><strong>38. Synthesis</strong></p>\n<p>I can see patterns and systems in apparently disparate sets of information. I can connect the dots and lead the development of long-term, big-picture solutions.</p>\n<p><strong>41. Vision</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team has a clear vision for the longterm impact we are striving to make, and every employee knows and understands the vision.</p>\n<p><strong>46. Talent Review and Succession Plan</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team has annual talent reviews and has successors identified—and prepared—for all key positions, including my own. We value, and seek, diversity across our entire workforce.</p>\n<p><strong>47. Measures of Success</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team knows, and measures, the factors beyond the financial goals that will ensure we stay on track toward our objectives.</p>\n<p><strong>51. Career Plan</strong></p>\n<p>I am clear about what I need to accomplish in order to feel that I have been successful in my career, and I have short-and medium-term goals that are part of that plan. I have set approximate timing milestones for each goal.</p>\n<p><strong>53. Passion for the Business</strong></p>\n<p>I believe in my organization’s mission and vision and I am passionate about the business we’re in. I am my company’s best salesperson.</p>\n<p><strong>56. Recruiter Connections</strong></p>\n<p>I know who the major recruiters are in my area, by both functional and sector specialty, and I have connections to all of them.</p>\n<p><strong>67. Requests for Information or Resources</strong></p>\n<p>I reach out into my network if I need information or a connection.</p>\n<p><strong>98. Goal Setting</strong></p>\n<p>I set goals regularly and have a practice for setting those goals up for success. I have a central repository for my goals and measures, and I have a practice that ensures the information stays current.</p>\n</div>",
"postEmailContent" : "<div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\"> \n <p>Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p> \n</div>",
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"postListContent" : "<div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\"> \n <p>Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p> \n</div>",
"postListSummaryFeaturedImage" : "",
"postRssContent" : "<div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\"> \n <p>Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p> \n</div>",
"postRssSummaryFeaturedImage" : "",
"postSummary" : "<div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\">\n<p><img id=\"img-1348675376468\" src=\"\" alt=\"KWright The Complete Executive Cover\" class=\"alignRight\" style=\"float: right;\" border=\"0\">Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p>\n</div>",
"postSummaryRss" : "<div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\"> \n <p>Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p> \n</div>",
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"rssBody" : "<div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\">\n<p><img id=\"img-1348675376468\" src=\"\" alt=\"KWright The Complete Executive Cover\" class=\"alignRight\" style=\"float: right;\" border=\"0\">Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p>Herewith, we present 10 of our favorite practices from Karen’s system for becoming a highly effective business executive.</p>\n<p><strong>31. Leadership Philosophy</strong></p>\n<p>I have a clear philosophy about leadership and I conduct myself according to that philosophy. I am an ongoing student of leadership and constantly seek examples and role models.</p>\n<p><strong>38. Synthesis</strong></p>\n<p>I can see patterns and systems in apparently disparate sets of information. I can connect the dots and lead the development of long-term, big-picture solutions.</p>\n<p><strong>41. Vision</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team has a clear vision for the longterm impact we are striving to make, and every employee knows and understands the vision.</p>\n<p><strong>46. Talent Review and Succession Plan</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team has annual talent reviews and has successors identified—and prepared—for all key positions, including my own. We value, and seek, diversity across our entire workforce.</p>\n<p><strong>47. Measures of Success</strong></p>\n<p>My organization or team knows, and measures, the factors beyond the financial goals that will ensure we stay on track toward our objectives.</p>\n<p><strong>51. Career Plan</strong></p>\n<p>I am clear about what I need to accomplish in order to feel that I have been successful in my career, and I have short-and medium-term goals that are part of that plan. I have set approximate timing milestones for each goal.</p>\n<p><strong>53. Passion for the Business</strong></p>\n<p>I believe in my organization’s mission and vision and I am passionate about the business we’re in. I am my company’s best salesperson.</p>\n<p><strong>56. Recruiter Connections</strong></p>\n<p>I know who the major recruiters are in my area, by both functional and sector specialty, and I have connections to all of them.</p>\n<p><strong>67. Requests for Information or Resources</strong></p>\n<p>I reach out into my network if I need information or a connection.</p>\n<p><strong>98. Goal Setting</strong></p>\n<p>I set goals regularly and have a practice for setting those goals up for success. I have a central repository for my goals and measures, and I have a practice that ensures the information stays current.</p>\n</div>",
"rssSummary" : "<div class=\"hs-migrated-cms-post\">\n<p><img id=\"img-1348675376468\" src=\"\" alt=\"KWright The Complete Executive Cover\" class=\"alignRight\" style=\"float: right;\" border=\"0\">Karen Wright is a luminary in the world of executive coaching. In her new book, <em>The Complete Executive</em>, she lays out a comprehensive system for optimized executive performance based on a 100-point assessment.</p>\n</div>",
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