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The Quotable #CIO: Wit and Wisdom in the Age of @Twitter, Part VI

Martha Heller
By Martha Heller

Jul 13, 2016

Every day, CIOs provide me with profound and even existential bon mots on everything from leadership to relationships to business to technology. I have been tweeting these nuggets as “CIO Quote of the Day” for many years, now. Enjoy our sixth round-up of The Quotable CIO!


"We're building products, not platforms - they need to be designed by customers, not IT."


"With proper governance, IT will never have to say 'No.'”


"I don't want to fight shadow IT; I want to be a co-conspirator."


"With cybersecurity, boards need to move from fear to understanding."


"Bad news doesn’t get better with age."


“I refuse to automate another bad process.”


"These days, long-term visions for systems get very outdated very quickly.”


"When people give up budget, they feel like they are giving up power."


"For most companies, IT no longer enables strategy, it defines it."


"IT was such a mess that I was pretty sure I had just started my dream job."


"Solving a very specific problem is the best way to start making big changes."


"IT is not a popularity contest. We often have to deliver tough information."


"IT governance taken to an extreme is an impediment."


"90% of what I do is maintenance. Staying in business & being secure is high value."


Chief Information Officer quotes"You can’t instill passion in someone, but you can bring it out.”


"We often think we need a technology person to lead tech solutions, but that is no longer true."


“We don't track IT metrics anymore. We measure everything in terms company performance."


"We are data rich but information poor."


"It makes no sense for IT to go Agile when the rest of the company is not equipped."


"My supreme responsibility as an IT leader is to create a great work culture."


"Culture is the most important thing at founder-led companies, and it can’t be changed."


“CIOs are in a constant state of transformation and must be good at leading during periods of ambiguity.”


“Help your best talent connect dots between a project, its value to the biz, and to their resume.”


"All successful projects have 1 thing in common- a leader to 'will' the project to success"


"We are all millennial in our own way. We all want to change the world and have a meaningful impact."


“Most people think about problem solving; risk management is problem seeking–a different mindset. “


"Developing soft skills takes work & energy, & means devoting less energy to maintaining tech expertise."


"As you grow as a leader, you must relinquish the mantle of expert, or you'll stifle those you are leading."


"In the digital age, we need to move our core business processes to algorithms."


“In IT you need to act w/as much urgency–or more–than those you provide service to.”


"When I started this job, I walked into a dumpster fire, and IT was a 4 letter word."


"It takes two to be agile: IT and the business."


View the previous installment of The Quotable CIO

Social CIOs

Martha Heller

Written by Martha Heller

Martha Heller is CEO of Heller Search Associates and author of Be the Business: CIOs in the New Era of IT, and The CIO Paradox: Battling the Contradictions of IT Leadership.